A Movement For All People

10:10 Life

The Refuge wants to make a lasting difference in your life, in our community, and in the world. That’s the driving force behind everything we do. We want to bring hope to a lost and dying world. That hope is Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life! We invite you to come visit us as we learn together to worship and follow Him.

What do You Mean "Born Again?"

A 10-week series on what it means to truly understand what being "born again" is all about. 

Be The Movement

Current Series | January 5th - Feb 9th
A series dedicated to unpacking what it truly means to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to go out and made disciples. 

Experience The Refuge Ministries

Sunday Morning

Morning Growth Groups 9:45am
Morning Worship 10:45am

Monday Night - WAR

Worship and Recovery 5:00-7:30pm

Wednesday Nights

Dinner and Bible Study 6:00-8:00pm
Youth & Children's Ministry

Get Involved

Growth Groups

Growth Groups are a place to find a community, build relationships and grow deeper in your walk with God.

Refuge Kids

Children are the church of today and the heartbeat of this ministry.

Refuge Youth

Our youth program is specifically for students 6th through 12th grade. 
Our mission is to WIN people to Christ, MAKE disciples, and GO impact the world.

Giving online is safe and easy. 

To give online, click on the link below. Thank you for your generosity!